Bone Grafting in Plantation

What is a Bone Graft?

Con el tiempo, jaw bone loss from missing teeth can make it difficult to place dental implants. Bone grafting offers a solution by replacing lost bone and stimulating new growth. This allows for proper implant placement and restores both function and aesthetics.

Consequences of Tooth and Jaw Bone Loss:

  1. Remaining teeth issues: desalineación, a la deriva, loosening, and loss
  2. Perfil facial colapsado
  3. Soporte labial limitado
  4. Piel arrugada alrededor de la boca.
  5. Distortion of facial features
  6. Mandíbula (ATM) dolor, dolor facial, y dolores de cabeza
  7. Dificultad para hablar y comunicarse.
  8. Inadequate nutrition due to chewing difficulties and pain
  9. Expansión sinusal

Mayor Injerto de Hueso

Bone grafting repairs implant sites with insufficient bone from extractions, enfermedad de las encías, o lesiones. Bone can be sourced from a tissue bank or the patient’s own jaw, cadera, or tibia. Sinus bone grafts address bone loss in the upper jaw. Special membranes aid in bone protection and regeneration, known as guided bone regeneration.

Using the patient’s blood in a graft unlocks its biological healing potential. Mixing blood into a graft improves healing in previously challenging areas.

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Razones para la pérdida y el deterioro del hueso de la mandíbula:

  1. Extracciones dentarias: Loss of natural teeth leads to jaw bone deterioration due to lack of stimulation.
  2. Enfermedad periodontal: Infections gradually destroy tooth support structures, leading to bone loss.
  3. Dentaduras postizas/puentes: Unanchored dentures and bridges can cause bone resorption over time.
  4. Trauma facial: Injuries like knocked-out teeth or jaw fractures can result in bone loss.
  5. desalineación: Teeth misalignment and unopposed teeth can lead to bone deterioration.
  6. Deficiencias de los senos paranasales: Removal of upper molars can cause sinus expansion, resulting in insufficient bone for implants.

Tipos de injertos óseos:

  1. Injertos Óseos Autógenos: Made from your own bone, harvested from various body parts. Contains living elements that enhance bone growth but requires a second procedure.

  2. Hueso alogénico: Dead bone from a cadaver, acts as a scaffold for surrounding bone growth. No need for a second procedure but may have slower regeneration.

  3. Hueso Xenogénico: Derived from another species, processed to avoid rejection. Also acts as a scaffold but may have slower regeneration.

PPR (Plasma rico en plaquetas): Enhances bone growth by using the patient’s own blood components mixed with bone grafts to maximize regeneration.